
How much Weight do You Think I Will Loose ?

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i Have Two And A Half weeks Left Before I go Back To School And i Really Want to Loose some Weight, If i Start From today How much Do You Think i Wioll loose abnd what It the Best Possible Way To Do so

Thnaks :)





  1. To lose weight, 1st and foremost, reduce your overall caloric intake by 500 calories a day.  Next, I personally reduce my carbohydrate intake while eating almost no carbs at night, and up your protein intake all through the day. Have breakfast be your largest meal with the most carbs.  With breakfast, have coffee, skim milk no sugar.  Also, *extremely important* start jogging 5 days a week.  It's okay to jog very slowly, in my experience it's not how fast you go, but how long you continue to jog that will make you lose weight.

  2. 'Lose'

    This is an impossible question - what is your weight, height, level of activity etc?

    Diet tip: Consume less calories than you burn. Simple.


    Oh for the love of God......

    It is 'lose' and the question is impossible not the task! Your lack of spelling, punctuation and grammar makes me want to pop my own eyes out with a spoon.

  3. Unless your BMI (check it here is over 85% you should not be worrying about your weight. I'm 13 right now and I had a phase where I though I was fat even though my BMI is below the 30 percentile. If I hadn't noticed what I was doing, I would have probably started suffering with Anorexia. But I did realize that my weight is perfectly normal and that I eat more than some other people because I'm an athlete and train pretty much every day.

    If you really are concerned about your weight though. Do this; write down everything that you eat on a piece of paper and at the end of the day decide what you should have eaten and what you should have eaten less. The next day, try to improve what you eat, etc. Also, go outside and have fun with friends, go to the pool! Believe it or not, being in hot or cold conditions makes you lose weight because your body has to do extra work to cool down/warm up. And like someone said above me, this should happen so that you lose more calories than you gain. This does NOT mean to skip meals! That will actually make you GAIN because a few days later, your body will start preserving fat because it will think that you're starving iit.

    If you do that, watch what you eat and get exercise I think you'd lose about 4 pounds/2kg.

  4. This isn't impossible...not losing weight, but the idea that you think you'll be fabulous after two weeks...and you have NO concept of what to do :)

    Just start eating right and exercising. That's it. Magic doesn't make you fat, magic doesn't make you fit.  

  5. If you take a healthy diet maybe 4 pounds.. dont expect better than that ><. I think is better when you are going to school and they see the results of your weight lost everyday :). Of course the best way is eating vegetables and meat :), cut sugar, flour, bread.. And exercise :O. It really has helped me with my self esteem too :D.

  6. wow to anna a, (the first answer) you have no life. why dont you try answering the question instead of being a know-it-all

    and i think you could probably loose aroung 8-9 pounds

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