
How much acetaminophen does it take to **** you up?

by Guest56699  |  earlier

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How much does it take as in MG wise?




  1. Does  Not  sound   like  you  are  the  brightest  bulb  in  the  basket .

    Seriously ,  switch  to  Red Bull .

    Because now ,  you  are  on  the  fast  track  to  uber  looser .

    2   words :   Red  Bull .


  2. Im sorry but trying to get high off of tylenol is really lame. If you take alot of tylenol you WILL ultimately kill your liver and kill yourself. Do you want to die over a quick buzz? Try excersizing it releases endorphins and is a much better way to get "high"

  3. Are you talking about getting high? Because if you are, acetaminophen (Tylenol) is one of the most dangerous over-the-counter drugs there is. Even overdosing by a small amount will kill your liver. Once your liver is dead, there's nothing that can save your life except a transplant, and there's no way to get a quick transplant, you must go on a waiting list.

  4. I bet a billion lillagrams would **** you up.

    However, a smaller dosage would be better if you're looking to get high but not die.

  5. The usual maximum adult dosage is 4,000 milligrams a day for an adult. Now, there is an undesireable ceiling of up to 10,000 mgs. per day IF you give the liver time for first pass metabolism. Just keep it at 4,000. If you need more than that, you need to see your physician for something else ok?

    Good luck!

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