
How much aid should the U.S. send to Africa?

by Guest61719  |  earlier

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How much aid should the U.S. send to Africa?




  1. This is a near impossible question to answer. I'm thankful we are a helpful nation but sometimes I think we might be "too helpful". I want to know who helps us when we face a crisis? Could anyone answer that for me?

  2. Well if they are just going to send them vaccines that give them polio and bio-engineered foods, they're better off without the U.S.'s help.

  3. Nothing.  Africa will be a hopeless case until the Africans are no longer in charge of Africa.  Rhodesia could at least feed itself under British rule, but under African rule, Zimbabwe is starving and has 11,000% inflation.

  4. None.It will only go towards keeping a currupt government in power.Africa is a rich nation but it is full of starving people why is that?

  5. ZERO. America needs aid.

  6. We already sent them AIDS.

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