
How much airfare would a round trip to Honduras be. I'm doing a project at school and cant find it on google.

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How much airfare would a round trip to Honduras be. I'm doing a project at school and cant find it on google.




  1. It depends on where you are flying from/to.  This time of year $700 would be a good estimate from just about anywhere in the US.

  2. Probably more accurate if you search the prices on an actual airline website. (Not to mention airfare to Honduras from where?) Google is great for some things, (like finding an airline website), but not for others.

  3. Your best bet would be to contact a Travel Agent in either the Miami or the Los Angeles areas, it's usually worth the extra $25 - $30. Will you be going to Tegucigalpa or San Pedro Sula? One Airline I fly often is TACA. You can check out their Web-site. They are based in San Salvador, have an excellent   safety record and have been in business since the late '30's. I have always had great service with them. I haven't checked in months but $580. - $700. w/two weeks notice. Safe trip.

  4. check one of these sites:  travelocity; expedia, orbitz

  5. it depends on where you're coming from. Check out travelocity, expedia, and priceline. I am goin to Honduras in a couple of months, it will cost about $700 roundtrip and I'm coming from New Orleans.

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