
How much alcohol do you consume?

by Guest56589  |  earlier

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i heard that something like more than 3 drinks in an evening or whatever is considered "binge drinking" so i was wondering how much people are drinking at a time, and how often, and if you consider yourself to be an alcoholic because of it.


for a good laugh, check out this youtube video

it's my favorite, and i think it's so funny, so i just like to share it with everyone




  1. In that case, everyone I know is a binge drinker!

    I don't think so though.  I think a binge driker is someone that has so many drinks they black out or get sick all over the place.  Most people can handle more than 3 drinks without being sh*tfaced.  My husband...binge drinker.  Me...I have around 5 drinks when we go out.  When we don't go out we either don't drink or have 1 - 2 beers while we bbq or something.  I don't consider either of us alcoholics because we don't HAVE to drink ever.  We enjoy one every now and then at home and the rare occassion we go out we have, well, quite a few more.  My husband I don't consider an alcoholic, but he is for sure a binge drinker.  He blacks out almost every time we go out to a bar.

  2. i guess im considered a binge drinker

  3. A glass of wine with dinner, maybe a drink or two socially

  4. 3 drinks a week on average

  5. The AMA has never officially said exactly what amount denotes "binge" drinking. Any source that gives you a specific amount that is using completely fictitious numbers. What the AMA does say about binge drinking is that it is the excessive consumption of alcohol at one specific time. Excessive is a relative term to each individual. For me...I drink 1 to 2 craft beers a night, probably 5 days a week on average. When I go out to dinner or with friends I'll routinely consume somewhere around 6 beers in an evening. I wouldn't' consider this to be binging however, because this is not an excessive amount to me. It is not enough to get me blind drunk, nor is it enough to make we throw up. There are occasions when I'll drink an excess of 8 to 10 beers and I would consider that binge drinking.

    So to sum it up:

    I drink 1 to 2 craft beers a night.

    No, I do not consider myself an alcoholic...alcoholism is about need not amount.

    And I would define binge drinking as; consuming alcohol to an excessive amount.

  6. i dont think there are any specific guidelines which constitue cinge drinking...

    i usally just dirnk when i go out for dinner...not very often at all. ecspecially during the school year. (im in university and im legal...not like some highschool kid)

  7. I drink everyday of the week to the point of drunkness. Not, throwing up though. I think that's past binge drinking... here's some sites to show what experts say. i think im doomed!

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