
How much alcohol should I purchase for 130 people for a wedding reception? I want wine, beer, and some liquor

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How much alcohol should I purchase for 130 people for a wedding reception? I want wine, beer, and some liquor




  1. Figure out how much people will drink: will all 130 people be drinking? Are they heavy drinkers or are most good with one glass? Will most stick to beer or will you have a lot of wine drinkers? Once you know your guests drinking habits, you'll know what to buy.

    We had 90 people at our wedding, but only have of them drank, so we bought one case of wine, two cases of red, two cases of champagne, one large bottle of vodka and gin (we had very few guests who drank hard liquor), and 2 cases of beer. We had a lot of liquor left over, which was fine since we bought what we loved.

  2. Depends on what type of drinkers you will be having and what time you will be having it.

    If it is during the afternoon, the mostly beer and not so much wine or liqour. If later then less beer and more of the other. You can break it down like this.

    1 bottle of wine is about 4 glasses.

    1 bottle of liqour is about 17 shots or mixed drinks.

    Kegs are a good choice but if you have extra you are screwed. I would go with bottles.

  3. That depends, if your Mexican purchase a lot.

    If your Eastern European Buy a lot.

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