
How much alcohol would it take to get me drunk?

by  |  earlier

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im 16, and im like 6'3 215. last night i had like 7 beers, and i just was more "friendly" i guess, but i cud still speak and text fine if i wanted to, but i was just louder and a lot less shy. how many would it take to get me drunk, because like my friends that are much smaller have had over 10, so i dont kno




  1. Well, everyone has different effects to alcohol at different times and with differnt types of alcohol. try a different beer or a different drink. Also if you eat like and hour befor you drink, the food absorbs the drink so you dont really feel anything. Dont TRY and get hammered though, cuz it might just hit you all at once and trust me...being hung over is the worst feeling. and you dont want to be! try another drink. You do get a little drunk though when you had those beers. like you said you had changed but you could be fine. when your drunk, you dont think your drunk until u see double. video tape yourself one night wile your drinking. you will see a differnce.

  2. you are too young to be drinking but you probably didn't ask this question for people to tell you that!!! Everyone's alcohol tolerance is different! Only you can tell how many it will take to get you drunk! Since you are tall with a bit of heft to ya it may take more than it would others!!! People really shouldn't ask this question... I see it so many times on Yahoo Answers!!!

  3. try drinking hard drinks.. straight up or chase it with juice... you know you're drunk when you cant remember what happened to you when you wake up the next day!

    try vodka... it'll get you going!

  4. Man, drink up buddy. Who taught you how to drink. You aint drunk til ur throwin up while drinkin more kid.

  5. don't try it  could turn out to be a night you much rather forget  

  6. I say drink until your drunk

  7. Sweet! Tight End! Me too, along with D end.

    But yea, just expieriment with alcohal, just be safe with it. You'll learn what gets you buzzed faster and when your totally wasted. I would recomend mixed drink over beers if you want to get smashed.(or straight liqour if your a true man)

  8. Hey if you want to get drunk, drink these:

    You actually have to listen to the song for the recipe.

  9. I've never been drunk,but my friends are. I observed that well, I guess it dpends on the person. Sometimes a person's already drunk when drinking only one bottle of beer. Some of them, they can drink and get drunk maybe by 10 or so. For me, I think it depends...

  10. Have a few more.. theres only one way to find out.

    you say you had 7 ?? light beer id assume...  try having 2 more  it might put you over the edge

    or drink regular beer or hard liquor, it will hit a lot harder

    Slam them, and you will also get more drunk, and stay drunk longer

  11. You were tipsy.

    It really depends on what you are drinking and when. By when I mean if you have eaten or not. Here's a tip. NEVER DRINK ON AN EMPTY STOMACH, YOU GET DRUNK WAY FASTER. When I say what I mean on the percentage of alcohol in your drink. If you are trying to get hosed, I'd go for something strong like vodka. Also, shots take longer to get in the blood stream so don't down 10 all at once, or you might black out by them time they take effect. It can really differ for everyone, but drinking is one of those things you only get better with practice. Hope this helped I'm 16 too so I can relate lol.

  12. 16 is too young to be drinking, that aside...Drink something harder, Unless you like sitting around all day downing bottle after bottle of beer.

  13. i'm 5'9", 125 pounds and can out drink you.

    you drink like a p***y

    for the record, you can be BLACKED OUT WASTED and can still text fine too. I've tested it.

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