
How much am I really helping out with the enviornment by unplugging some appliances?

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Ive heard that unplugging devices and appliances that are not in use saves alot of energy. I see how it helps lower your bill, but how much is it effecting the enviornment. Im still going to continue doing it, but if anyone could tell me how much am I really helping out, that would be great.





  1. Nothing at all, some items like video recorders you should leave on to prevent condensation on the recording heads, in industry lots of plant has to be on standby otherwise it would damage the plant enormously with a cold start.

  2. If you are referring to the energy used by an appliance while it is switched off (sometimes referred to as "phantom load"), the only devices where it makes a significant difference is with conventional television sets and CRT computer monitors.  This is because CRTs (AKA picture tubes) have a heating element to keep them warm when they are not in use so that they come up right away when you switch them on; generally they consume ~5 watts when they are plugged in with the power off.  Other appliances will use a bit of power to keep the clock and remote control sensor working but they only consume a few miliwatts so unplugging wouldn't make a noticeable difference.

  3. Plus stop mowing lawns with a gas or electric mower

  4. maybe the big ones... like your pc

  5. Hi Natty,

    If everybody switched off applicances that are not in use, then lots of energy would be saved.

    Besides, some appliances are a fire risk if left on for a prolonged period of time.

    Leaving an applicance on standby all the time, like a tv,  uses the same amount of electricity as when the tv is actually on.  So if your tv is permantly on standby, then the life of you tv would eventually be shortened, so you would need one sooner  thus creating more to be made in the factory and all the pollution that goes with it..  Ok, the last couple of sentences I I can waffle!

  6. It all adds up - but more importantly for you, you are saving yourself money - if you're paying the electric bill.

  7. depends on the appliance.

    toaster, blender, waffle iron?  no.

    TV, yes.

    specifically, any appliance that has an "instant on" feature, when it would otherwise take a while to warm up.

    you might also unplug your little phone charger, ipod charger, and all of those things that have small transformers connected to the plug.

    since electric bills vary, you'll probably not see a huge difference, but you will be saving some electricity.

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