
How much am I supposed to feed my Beta fish?

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So for my birthday my friend decided to get me a Beta fish with small pellets for food. I was used to giving my old fish flakes so I have no idea how many I'm supposed to give of these food pellets. Can anyone help me?




  1. If you have a small tank, one pellet per day is all you need. You don't want to overfeed your beta, and they really don't eat a lot. Hope this helps.

  2. I have had Betta fish for a very long time. I have also worked at four different pet stores. Betta's are only supposed to eat 2- 3 times a week.

  3. Well first if you keep your betta fish in little bowl than you dont want to feed it a lot because your water will become cloudy and you'll need to change water very often.

    Feed twice a day, just give enough flakes, I dont think that you'll need blood/black  worms.

    Hope it helped.

  4. Just a couple pellets twice a day.  It's very easy to overfeed these fish, so care is needed.  Bear in mind that a fishes stomach is usually no larger than it's eye.

    Supplement it's diet with wingless fruit flies, brine shrimp (live or frozen) and freeze dried tubifex worms.

    And, you hopefully have him in a heated, 2.5 gallon container.  Large water surface preferred, and water temp at 78-82 degrees F is best for good health.

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