
How much an Australian Rifleman gets paid Per year?

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I hear that in the final interview it helps to know how much you get paid, and im joining as a Rifleman and it's just confusing with all the different quotes on how much they're paid, can someone that actually knows please tell me because i have tried researching it and not getting far, just different answers,

thank you




  1. $38,000yr after training.

    visit for more info

  2. You don't need to be too specific, as long as you have a decent guideline... they keep raising the wages anyway.

    As Cate mentioned, $38,000 a year is roughly the right base salary. But all full time members receive roughly $10,000 service allowance a year - it's compensation for the lifestyle. Counting it all up, you're looking at $45-50k a year.

    When you're deployed, pay bonuses can reach ridiculous proportions - the first batch of diggers to return from the "Dili Dash for Cash" in East Timor were buying Subaru WRXs.

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