
How much and how long will it take to travel the whole of France?

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I am looking at 3 months to backpack France. Is it enough? How much would it cost approximately?

If you guys have budget ideas I would love to hear them as well.







  2. Yes, I think 3 months are good: Paris, Bretagne, Toulouse, Strasbourg, the south-east et the cote, the Landes, the Alpes et the Pyrenees, etc...

    For the cost, no idea, sorry. At least 3000 euros. It depends on how you want to travel (hotel, transport).

    To sleep for free you have a site called

  3. Three months is long, but it is also quite short, especially if you plan to go backpacking.

    You should select a few regions and spend several weeks in each. Chosen regions should have enough areas of interest, have good campsites, and be reachable by public transportation.

    I would suggest:

    Southern Brittany (Morbihan) maybe including some islands.

    Alsace and the villages along the "wine road"

    Touraine, along the Loire Valley with the castles

    And then a few days in Paris before you leave

    If you are good hikers, you may include montainous areas in your trip.

    Massif central and especially the Cantal area is a nice place to go backpacking

    The GR20 in Corsica is a famous trail, but it is quite taxing and takes about 13 days to complete.

    As for the budget, count about 7 to 15 Euros for one night in a campsite. Food will probably cost you less than 20 Euros per person/day. Expect 15-25 Euros for a correct restaurant (outside of Paris)

    Have a look at the rates for SNCF for specific travels on their website:

  4. 7 hours on plane and it's between 750 to 850$.it's depend the compagnies.

  5. previous comment : the franc?! you're a bit late : it's *euros* dude!

    the cost will depend very much on where you're staying : paris and other big cities are expensive.

    if you want to work there, you can always wwof :

    youth hostel is the common way to go for these kind of trips

    if you're broke or want to meet the locals, you can do some couch surfing :

    bring a tent and you can also do some camping :

    for transportation, I've done a lot of hitch-hiking there, it works ok (not great, but ok)

    you can also do interrail (and sleep in night trains to save on accomodation) :

  6. 6 hrs on plane 798$

  7. I have been five months in the Philippines (this year), 3 weeks in '00, 7 weeks in '01, and a year in 1977, and I still have not finished with the Northernmost Island (Luzon).

    Does that make you more clear?

    I guess what would hit home would be, "Have you finished exploring your own Country? How long would that take?"

    Three months is a great length of time to explore about 50 miles circumference by foot, 100 by public transport, and 200 by privately owned vehicle (POV).

    To answer your question about "how much", go to yahoo currency conversion for $$ to francs, and see if the franc is worth more than the dollar.

    If it is equal or less, take the same amount of money as would be your paychecks over that course of time.

    If more, multiply by a third more, and scrimp every coin because it fades fast (England is more and I came up waaaaaaaaaay short on my budget!)

    As far as budget tips,  get online and chat with some friendly French who would put you up for a night.

    Also, research NOW ways to transfer money cheaply to Europe. Stay away from W. Union. Banks are my second to last choice. My first choice isn't available in Europe.

    Please, please, pleeeeeease remember you are NOT French and they are NOT Americans. Put in your mind that you are going to be offended by their culture-habits. It is normal. THere is nothing you can do to defend yourself--and shouldn't--because you are in THEIR culture.* Also, expect to offend them with your culture; Expect to apologize. Being humble is as difficult for the English, French, German, American and Western Culture as it is easy for them to be arrogant! Humble' is the catch-phrase I use when I travel outside my Country....and it can be very hard at times. I just apologize and offer a "pasalubong" (gift for no reason).

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