
How much and what are the dangers of roofies?

by  |  earlier

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I think it would be MAD FUN to roofie my buddy just for fun. How much are they on the streets and what damage can they do if any?




  1. Absolutely DO NOT do this!!  It seems funny but:

    1.  Its very easy to accidentally give too high of a dose

    2.  It sounds like you are in high school or college (lots of parties, drinking etc)... combining roofies with alcohol is even more dangerous, easily causing death

    3. You could get busted for drug possesion or homicide

    4. Most "roofies" you get on the streets are actually more dangerous drugs

    Bottom line is death is a definite possibility, you dont want to spend the rest of your life rotting in prison with a dead friend (that you killed) on your mind.

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