
How much approx would we be expected to spend per day on food while travelling round Italy?

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For example...light breakfast of coffee and roll, sandwich/fruit lunch and a good dinner in a good (not posh)local restaurant.




  1. it depends where you go

    OMG i really want to go there!

    SOOO BAD! lol have fun!

  2. The best way to save money while eating in Europe is to avoid drinking soda pop, as it's usually more expensive than the wine.  Stick with the wine (or water if you don't drink) and you'll save a lot of cash.  When I first travelled, I never used to look at the price of drinks, always assuming that pop would be cheap, but that's just not the case in Europe!

  3. I remember that it was fairly cheap to eat in Italy.  If you buy food in markets for the lunch and usually the breakfast you describe is free at most hotels.  Depending on the exchange rate you should be able to eat for $15-20 per day on the average.  And that is considering that you will spend about $12 just on dinner.

  4. I went to Italy with EF tours so they gave us free breakfast and sometimes dinner but they really sucked. I expected to save money getting a free meal but i had to manage with little money, let me tell you it is possible but u have to find the right spots. If your in areas where there are a lot of tourists, expect to pay more for food. If you have the time to walk around, there are some spots that cheap food ranging from $5-10 Euro's. I spent on some nights only $15-20 Euro's but the nights i went to a really nice restaurant, i spent around $40-5o Euro's

  5. not much at all Me and the missus for one week stayed in Italy spent £700 pounds between us (did a road trip) we stayed in four hotels (three star)ate every night in different see if the hotels do bed and breakfast you can pig out  then for lunch get a small snack of it was all booked on the Internet booked hotels and car (locations)  i went to Vienna,Venice,Verona,Tuscany,Pisa,bologn... and modern.

  6. I live in Florence. It costs 3 euro (about $3.60) for a cappuccino and a sandwich where I have breakfast, A sweet roll is cheaper, around 2 euro ($2,40).  

    You can save by getting sandwiches made in a small food store "panino" (paneeno) is a sandwich (it also means a plain roll). Expect to spend 3 or 4 euro ($3.60-5.20) for a sandwich. Fruit is cheap.  A lot of bars have lunch plates for people who don't have time to go home at noon.  Figure about 8 euro per person ($10.40) for a pasta or salad and maybe another dish, with water and wine, beer or soda.  

    "Spuma" (spoomah), locally made soda sold by the glass is much cheaper than name brands.  "Arancia" (aaranchah) is found in every bar, so are "cedro" (chedroh) like green lemon and "biondo" ("be-yon-doh") which is blonde and has its own particular flavor.  Cola is not a local flavor.

    You can eat a pizza at a reasonable place with water and wine for about 30 euro ($36) for two.  A nicer dinner will be more expensive.

    My cousin went to Rome and ate at places that offered dirt cheap meals for tourists.  He said he never ate worse food in his life.  To be dirt cheap they have to save on something...

    Plan on at least $25 a day, per person.

  7. I think it'd cost more than 15 to 20 dollars. I would budget at least 30. When I was in Italy the exchange rate was maybe around 1.35 USDs to a Euro. And if you go to a lunch place, order some pasta or a calzone or something that will cost you at least 6-7 Euros which is 8-9 Dollars about-ish. Then if you order drinks as well your bill will be more.

    If you want to eat dinner at a semi-nice restaurant I would still factor in 10-12 Euros per plate which is of course, more in dollars.

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