
How much are a pack of double AA's and how many do you get?

by  |  earlier

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im english not american




  1. Umm like 4-5 dollars for 4

    About $10 for 8 or 12

    Just go check at Walgreen's or Walmart or Kroger

  2. Wal-Mart or K-Mart would be a good place to look. A multi pack is the better deal.  Local pharmaceuticals may carry them, but they would be more expensive.

  3. It just depends. The REALLY cheap non-alkaline ones are at 25 for 1.25$, but they leak and last for 20 min. The cheap ones tend to be from 4 batteries (still non-alkaine) and 2 batteries (Alkaline) for 1$. Afterwards a 4 pack is between 3-4 dollars. I like buying the 12 pack! Duracell copper's usually like 8.98$ at Wal Mart. Anyway, the best AA's IMO are the ones at Radioshack, but they are like 12/12$  

  4. Go to your local Walgreens. You can get packs of 2 to 24 or more.

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