
How much are all 150 original pokemon cards worth?

by  |  earlier

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My boyfriend has all 150 original pokemon cards in the binder thing and he wants to know how much they are worth to sell.




  1. ur boyfriends a dork lol hahahaha

  2. their still not worth much wait 20 years and the price will skyrocket

  3. Maybe $40-$60 but it matter on there condition try to get more to increase your collection and when you are a old cot go and sell them for thousands

  4.    he should sell them for about 15$ or 20$  

  5. umm if they ae ariginal first season cards and they are in mint condition some are worth lots but if u wait like 50 yers even the crappy ones with be worth a lot

  6. Less than $10. Considering that original cards were so long ago. Maybe might be more if they can be read by e-reader. So are they e-reader cards?

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