
How much are average priced winter Jackets in germany in euros?

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Coumbia Jackets if available




  1. I just purchased a Columbia jacket for Euro 100.  That seemed about average.

  2. The same that in USDollars after making the convertion

  3.      hope this site helps!

  4. the  quoted  prices:   Euro  170-300  are  right!

    good  prices:  Kaufhof,  C+A,  GAP  and  check  the  sporting  good  stores,  whereever  you'll  be!

    Tchibo  (mail-order)  has  very  good  prices,  too!

  5. I guess you meant a Columbia jacket. I ve just seen a ski jacket at the Sport Scheck (Munich) site for 169,95€.

    I d say that this is the average price category for such jackets, they all are around 200€, more in fashion brands will be at about 300€.

    In general, clothes are much more expensive in Germany than they are in the US or Canada but in comparison to other Central European countries( NL, B, F, A, DK, GB), it still is a little bit cheaper (in Spain or Italy clothes are cheaper though).

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