
How much are can caps worth?

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How much are can caps worth?




  1. if you are refering to aluminium can pull tabs, almost nothing. there was a myth started a few years back about pull tabs having more aluminium than the rest of the can. this is not true.

  2. you mean coke caps them worth 3points

  3. the cases the CANS COME in are worth 10 points for a 12 pack. the 24 packs are worht 20 points, and the 32 packs are worth 25 points

    the caps that come from the bottles are worth 3 points

  4. If you are talking 3-point Coke rewards they are worth a couple of cents each. For cans the code is on the 12 pack and the value is less than that (10 points for a dozen cans).  Look at the prizes and the number of cap numbers needed and do the math.

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