
How much are cigarettes in Spain just now?

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I remember last year a pack of Winston was EUR2.55 but I had heard that the prices had gone up for cigarettes in Spain. Is this true?




  1. smoking kills....

  2. The lady who said she got Lambert and Butler for 16.50 euros recently must be talking about the Canary Islands, not Mainland Spain.   Siobhan, Wendy C and Pompal '08 have given you correct prices, but I can't be sure about the price of Winston.

  3. Any packet of 200 cost about 3 months of your life.

  4. Smoke in Spain, nowadays is more expensive. a Winston packet of cigarrette is about 2,60 or 3,00 euros.

  5. Lambert and Butler are 16.50 euro's for 200. thats about £13.50

    bought some there last week

  6. They are still alot cheaper than the UK regardless of price here. Around 2.50€ a pack depending on brand.

  7. The prices had raised between 0.10 and 0.50. I think Winston is now 2.75 (more or less)

  8. I'll give you some prices for both cigarettes and tobacco, but make sure you buy from an official tobacconists (tabacos) as they are Government supervised and all charge the same.

    The Official Tobacco List shows the current prices as -

    Dunhill - 34 euros.

    Rothman - 32 euros.

    Benson & Hedges, Embassy No.1, Silk Cut, Regal - 31 euros.

    Superkings & Berkeley - 30 euros.

    Lambert & Butler - 29.50 euros.

    Dorchester - 27.50 euros.

    Mayfair - 25 euros.

    Richmond - 24.50 euros.

    John Players Black, Royals & Sovereign - 23 euros.

    Golden Virginia 10x50gms - 45 euros.

    Old Holborn 10x50gms - 43 euros.

    Samson & Drum 10x50gms - 38 euros.

    Cutter Choice 10x50gms - 27.50 euros.

    Amberleaf 10x50 euros - 23 euros

    These were the prices in March, but if there has been an increase it wouldn't have been a lot.

  9. jps 23 euros for 200 bought yesterday

  10. about 29.00 euro for 200 bensons a few mths ago..

  11. Remember euros are almost doble the value of the US dolar.

  12. You can get 200 for 25euros at the tabacos in Lloret De Mar

  13. it cost me 25 euros for 200 mayfair

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