
How much are contact lenses for Miopia?

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I have Miopia, and I've worn glasses for about 3 years now. I want to switch to contact lenses but I don't know how much they cost. I'm nearisighted, and I don't know my prescription exactly but I got tested at school and I have a 50/20 vision, I think. I don't want color lenses, just the plain ones. Also, which ones are better/cheaper, disposable or the ones you buy for 6 months?

I want a rough estimate. :)

Thanks so much to anyone who helps. I'll choose best answer to whoever can help me the most.





  1. I get my contacts at Wal*Mart or  both are pretty affordable.  I have different RX in each eye and can still get a pretty good price

  2. Contacts are all different prices depending on what kind you get. So, it is really hard to give you an accurate run down of price becuase they run different in every office and in different areas of the US they are different as well. I always say that this is a bout the same as asking how much it is to buy a shirt. It is just too general of a question. I think you would get better help if you called your Docotr and asked about prices and if you have insurance they have different amounts of coverage too, so there are just too many variables.

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