
How much are council gym memberships in Birmingham (UK)?

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I need to joina gym but Ive just moved to Birmingham and was wondering how much monthly memberships are for the council gyms/leisure centres? Im 17 if the price is any different for under 18s.




  1. with school i have to do PE, even though I am also 17.

    i joined wyndley gym, and with a letter from my school with proved i was still a student, the yearly membership was £6.00, but then you have to pay £2.45 each time you go.

    and tbf, its pretty good value, considering the last gym i was at was £3.00 a time, with a £36 a year fee.

  2. I think you should check out the link below, it describes how - for a limited fee- you can get access to many gyms and pools in Birmingham, without limiting yourself to one in particular.

    The fee is £30 per month, but drops to £22,50 if you are a student (rules apply).

    Good luck and have fun!

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