
How much are hamsters?

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i was wondering how much hamsters and gerbals would cost at your local pet store. thanks!

p.s. are they hard to take care of ?




  1. My nearest store is pets at home are £8. And they are really good first pet as they are generally friendly, do not take too much maintenance, just cleaning out every 4-7days and feeding every day. I also get lost in just watching them playing its amazingly hypnotising.

    Hope i helped .x.

  2. Hamsters cost about $5-$13 at a local pet store, depending on the breed.

    Gerbils usually cost between $5-$10.

    Adopting from a rescue is much cheaper though, usually for any rodent(mouse, gerbil or hamster not bigger animals like a guinea pig) is $5

    Hamsters & gerbils are very low maintenence pets, don't require much & are pretty inexpensive, considering food & bedding monthly, since they don't require big housing.

    Hope this helps!


  3. they arent hard to take care of at all, gerbils are easier though

    in my local pet shop hamsters are £6.99 and gerbils aree £8.99

  4. At my local pet shop, the cost anywhere from  $6.99 - $8.99

    but I've also seen them anywhere from $15.00 - $25.00

    And they're not hard to take care of. I had one for Three years. The only challenge is cleaning out the cage, and I suggest, if you get an aqaurium for the hamster, put newspapers under the wood shavings that wasy it's not so hard to clean.

  5. at petco, 9$ at petsmart 5$, well thats how much they are where i live, i dont no how hard they are never had one, i have a ferret.

  6. Hamsters usually cost $15 to $20, but for dwarf hamsters, at our pet store they only cost $5 for them. Well you need to feed and give it water everyday. You have to clean the cage once a week.

  7. 7-11 dollars

  8. Hamsters are very easy to take care of. But they do smell, thats the downside.

    They can range from $5-$15, just depends on the petstore.

    Hope that helped!

  9. No they arnt hard to take care of and in london baby ones are £5 xx Hannah xx Amy's sister

  10. Gerbils and hamsters are really easy to look after. At my local pet shop the hamsters are £6.50 and the gerbils are £8.00.

  11. Hamsters are usually about $5- $10 at your local pet store. They are pretty easy to take care of, but make sure you interract with them on a daily basis or they may become mean. Also, be sure to clean their cage ay least once a week or they may get a parasite that will kill them. Feed them avout twice a day and give them clean water about every other day. They are great animals and you should definately get one if it sounds right for you.

  12. $8.00 - $ 10.00. And no they r easy to take care of.

  13. Anywhere from $5.00 - $15.00

    They're not difficult to care for, if you're interested in getting one. I would go to the petstore and ask all the questions you can think of.

    (you can also go to your local animal rescue and adopt one! ^_^)

    I've had a Hamster before "Tequila" he lived for 4 years. On average they live about 2 years.

    You can clean the cage once a week but I always cleaned it twice a week.

    Fresh water daily and food. You can give them fresh foods as well, such as carrots.

    As for bedding, never use cedar. Sure it smells great but can give them respiratory problems.  Pine, Aspen and Corn Cob bedding are some other alternatives.

    Hamsters will not smell if the cage is cleaned regularly.

    It's great watching them eat, because they store their food in their cheeks and often take it up to where they sleep and snack on it.
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