
How much are helium filled balloons in the UK?

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How much are helium filled balloons in the UK?




  1. £2.99 for an 18" foil one in clinton cards :)

  2. So i like this guy? http://this-is-beaugosse.skyro...

    So i like this guy...?

    alright...i REALLY like this guy at my school...we have all of our classes together...he's smart,funny,athletic,kind,and pretty smart,not so athletic,i have ok looks,and a GREAT turning 13 and so is he.....we have a lot in least i think so...he talks to me mostly in english and world history,since we sit next to eachother....and when he talks to me it sounds like he likes me...but maybe thats just his personality......he told me once that he thought my best friend's sister was hot...who's a year older...this makes me feel like he only likes hot girls....which im not...JUST because he thinks she's hot,doesnt mean he LIKES her...does it?why would he tell me that if he did like me?i have a feeling that he just wants to be friends...which isnt enough for me...because this is one guy i dont wanna let minds telling me leave.but my heart is telling me to keep liking him.what should i do

  3. around 3 to 4 pounds.

  4. £2 or £3 I think

  5. Do you want hundreds of ordinary balloons (about 15p each, with discount for volume)to fill with helium (from £29 per canister) yourself, or just a single foil one(starting about a tenner)?

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