
How much are kittens?

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I've been wondering how much kittens are, because I want to buy one, and I want to save up money.




  1. It varies greatly and depends on where you get them. You can get them for free sometimes in the newspaper, but you can also get them from the human society and that will cost quite a bit because you have to pay for their shots and everything. But if you get one from the human society, you could be more certain of it's health.

    Hope I helped! :)

  2. all depends on what you want. if you want a pure bred cat then it will very costly, if just want a kitten then go to your local humane societya shelter and look for one. they can always help you out more.

  3. You can get them for free from cats protection centres. Alternatively you can get them for around £20 in pet shops for moggies


  4. Call a nearby shelter and ask them.

  5. To adopt a cat will run you about $80-160, depending on where you get it.  If you want to a buy a cat from a breeder, it will cost more.  It costs about $11-$20 every three weeks for litter, and another $15-$25 every month for food.  You will want to get it toys and a scratching post.  Posts start at about $20, but can run as high as $200.  You will need to go to a vet once a year, which is about $40 for the visit and another $40 or so for shots.  A cat is at least a 10 year investment, so you have to consider how your life may change and if you will be able to keep your cat.  The worst thing you can do is adopt a cat if you know you are going to give it away in a few years because you are unable to keep it.  

  6.;... ijust found it

  7. A lot of people find kittens and have no use for them check newspapers and flyers for kittens free to a good home. Or you could just check a shelter website.

  8. We got our cats for free... but then we needed to buy the supplies (kitty litter, litter box, etc), get them neutered, and get their shots.  Some people get their cats declawed as well.  Vet visits are expensive.  Our "free" cats have cost us a lot of money!  But they've been worth it.  We love them!

  9. free, If you Adopt one from a shelter around 100 bucks

    You really don't need a pure bred Cat, there is very little difference and there are plenty of cute kittens that need a home.

  10. You should be able to get a kitten for free; although they will cost money in the vaccinations, food, collar, flea/worm, general vets bills which may crop up, litter & tray...

    sometimes cats protection or rspca will charge a small fee- maybe £20- for a kitten, but you get a voucher towards their spay/neuter which will be useful when the time comes along for that.

    I do not believe you should 'buy' a kitten from a freead as there are plenty offering free for good homes, or get one from rspca/cats protection or somewhere.
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