
How much are late fines for books from Norfolk libraries?

by Guest32608  |  earlier

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How much are late fines for books from Norfolk libraries?




  1. Assuming that you mean the Norfolk, Virginia Public Library:

    Overdue Fines

       1. Items not returned by the due date will be charged as follows:

             1. Adult books (with the exception of reference books and 7-day Book Express) and music CDs will be charged ten cents per item per day up to a maximum fine of $6.00 per book. Music CDs will have a maximum fine of $10.00.

             2. Young Adult and juvenile books will be charged five cents per item per day up to a maximum of fifty cents when checked out to juvenile accounts. Young Adult and juvenile books checked out to adult accounts will be charged the same as adult books.

             3. DVDs, videos, 7-day Book Express, reference books, and interlibrary loan materials will be charged one dollar per item per day up to a maximum of $ 10.00.

       2. Borrowing privileges will be suspended when the amount of money owed reaches or exceeds $10.00 in fines and/or fees.

       3. No fines will be charged on the days the library is closed. This will be determined on a branch-by-branch basis when appropriate.

       4. A three day grace period will be granted for all overdue juvenile books borrowed on juvenile cards.

       5. The library does not send out notices of fines incurred. When the amount of fine money owed reaches $25.00 or more, however, the account is referred to the Collection Agency.

       6. Staff will inform patrons of money owed each time the patron borrows materials.

    NPL's online policy statement, found at

    Fines for Norfolk, MA library are listed here:

    The UK Norfolk libraries do not have easy access to that information but you can email the library:

    I suspect it's in the sign up information but since I'm not a resident, I didn't attempt to join.

  2. it depends a book that is a couple of days over due would only be about £3

    they are not really that strict

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