
How much are local hotel taxes in Paris?

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i'm looking to book a hotel online and is giving me prices excluding local taxes. Do they vary from area to area? It is The Abrial hotel in the Champs Elysseys which i'm looking to stay in. Need to book asap, so any help would be hugely appreciated!




  1. I don t really see what they mean by local taxes, it s somethin i have never heard of.

    In france you the TVA Taxe sur la Valeur Ajoutée, a taxe an products and services, and in france, contray to the Usa, we always give prices including taxes (including TVA)

    In the hotellerie sector, the TVA is 5,5%

  2. City tax, also sometimes called tourist tax ("taxe de séjour" in French) is compulsory: it applies to everybody (except for children younger than 13) and is collected by the owner of the accomodation. The amount of city tax varies according to the hotel classification and the town. City tax in France can currently be between €0.20 (minimum) and €1.50 (maximum) per person per day.

    (There is also a VAT, the value added tax, of 5.5% for hotels  but this is a national tax and not a local one)

    EDIT: The VAT is almost always included in the price of most things that consumers purchase, including hotel rooms.

    EDIT #2: If you mean the Abrial at 176, rue Cardinet then that isn't in or on the Champs Elysee (which is a street not a neighborhood). Its about 3 km from the Arc de Triomphe.

    EDIT #3: I took the liberty of checking reviews on this hotel which varied from "its okay" and "not so bad" to "Avoid this hotel , we had a terrible time"  and "How a hotel can spoil a holiday"  [these are all direct quotes]

    Is there some particular reason you want to stay in this location?

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