
How much are old coins worth and whats the date to be considered old?

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i need to know how much my old coins r worth whats does the date stat at for being considered old? please help

!!! and fast




  1. For both of those it really depends, however old a coin is is an opinion, but in my opinion any coin from before 1950 is old but someone else might think a coin from 1920 or before is old. After around 1920 is when in my opinion the value of coins begins to rise more sharply (generally) and then its exponentially growth.

    As for the value of old coins it depend on many things: How old it is (obviously older coins are generally worth more), How many were made: if there were 100,000 1872 quarters (random numbers) and 3,000,000 1871 quarters the 1872 quarter will generally be worth more because it is more rare. The condition of a coin: if a coin is in perfect condition from the 1800's it will be worth quite a bit because few coins are in excellent condition from that long ago. the type of coin is also important: a quarter is worth more than a penny while a dollar coin is worth more than both. Next the content of the coin helps determine its value: a gold coin is worth more than a silver coin which is worth more than a copper coin. Finally the final thing is supply and demand, how many people want to buy it and how many people want to sell it: if many people want to buy the coin and few want to sell it he coin is more valuable than if few want to buy it but many want to sell it.

    Hoped that helped if you give me specific coins I might be able to tell you how much they are worth.  


  2. Old really has noting to do with it as much as how rare it is and what grade it is. A 1999 silver proof sets sells for over $300 and a 1992 close AM cent is worth around $500. You need to learn about coins and that comes from books. get a Red Book- A guide to U.S. coins it will help with learning the grading system as well as mintage figures. The values in it are only a guide but they helps to let you know what is valuable and what is not. Numismatics is still in the stone age for we still use books and lots of them. More and more sites are going on line but not enough of the good ones, to really help the beginner. I try but only have so much time. Spend the $15 or so and get the book. You can also check to see if a coin club is in your area they love to help other out.

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