
How much are people willing to pay before allowing for drilling in the US for oil?

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How much are people willing to pay before allowing for drilling in the US for oil?




  1. You know, I think the real question is:

    How much will the U.S. be willing to pay in electric rates when all their cars have to be recharged every evening?


    What will we have to burn to produce the electricity?

  2. I don't know how anyone convinced you that more oil was going to lower prices its a business with lots of middle men investors and they'll always want to make lots of money

  3. We'd prefer to spend money on something that doesn't run out; and will be as easily accessible years from now as it is today.

    Oil, even if we start digging in America, will run out.  Digging here may delay it a few years, but last estimate I heard was about 20 years.  I'd prefer something much longer than that.

  4. Oil is drilled in America, dunno if you've ever been to the Texas coastline or not, but there are these huge structures out on the horizon, they are called OIL rigs, they are used for DRILLING OIL.

    If the coastline is to far, you can also check Mainland Texas, there are oil rigs drilling for oil all over the place.

    Never heard it called "Texas tea"?

  5. If your talking about ANWAR  no more than about 3.2 billion barrels there. Major oil companies, in fact, have already lost interest  in the refuge.

    The United States uses about 20 million barrels of oil a day.

    Thats less than a years worth of oil.

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