
How much are rabbit cages???

by  |  earlier

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I am planning on buying a bunny and i want it to live in my room and people say that its not good. So when im not able to supervise it im going to put it in its cage. Im just in a low budget and can't really afford one. Anyone know any cheep cages or anything else besides a cage to keep it from being unsafe? Well i made my room rabbit proof hiding every electrical cord in my closet locked up. I just need a rabbit in case i need it to bring it somewhere. please where is the cheapest cage. and if u have a picture of it it would be nice

thank you very much!!!! no rude comments pretty plz x]




  1. Well mine isn't very big its  just a normal one it was 60-70 dollors.But i bought it online ( i got it for 30$And she added a rabbit run and a water bottle.

  2. it should b around 60 dollars  

  3. You can have a free range bunny.

    But there are housing tips here

    I'd get an exercise pen for puppies.  

  4. im  14 years old and i made a cheap,huge,2 story house for my rabbit. It was very easy and it only took me a couple hours to finish. Altogether it cost only $50. It is heaps better than the ones in the pet shop since they are very small and expensive.

    If your intrested type up nic cubes in google and some sites will show you how to make one step by step. Your bunny will love his mansion!!    

  5. go to petsmart or a well known pet store in your area, the associates there should be able to help you out. otherwise, if its just one rabbit, you can pick up a cage for less than $40. its very important that you buy a decent house for your bunny, think of how you would feel if your owner couldn't afford decent housing for you...the bunny should only be out when you are there with fresh food and water etc. pets are fun as long as you can properly care for them :) if you can't afford one now, wait a month and then pick one up, that rabbit deserves the best home you can make for it.

  6. 30 bucks maybe it depends

  7. 30-100 dollaz

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