
How much are taxes raised in countries with universal healthcare?

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How much are taxes raised in countries with universal healthcare?




  1. They really aren't. I moved from the UK to the US, and my taxes were almost exactly the same. You have to allow for all the taxes you pay - federal income tax, state income tax, sales tax, property taxes - US taxes are not low (unless you are very rich).

    The difference between the US and countries with Universal coverage is the percentage spent on military. The US spends a huge amount on that, whereas most other countries spend significantly less.

  2. I moved from Quebec, Canada to the States, and there's a whole lot of difference in the tax rates.

  3. Taxes in europe are 50 percent of your income. That is outrageous

  4. There isn't an easy comparison, if that's what you're looking for. The US already spends about twice as much on health care as any other country but is in the middle of the pack in terms of health.

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