
How much are the Olympic medals worth gold,silver,?

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How much are the Olympic medals worth gold,silver,?




  1. That depends on the person. If I won a medal, it would be priceless to me, but to some other people, it could be worth a couple hundred dollars.

  2. They should be priceless to the athelete who wins them  

  3. 100$ i read it somewhere thats why tht one boxers threw his on the floor bec it was bronze and bec its not alot of money

  4. one olympian sold off four gold medals for an estimated $80,000, because she wanted to donate it to a cancer research fund in her country after her brother died in a car accident while she was driving.

  5. I feel like I read an article that said the metal in the gold metals was worth like 253 USD. The gold medals are actually just plated in exactly 60g of gold.

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