
How much are the Republicans paying Nader to attack Obama?

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How much are the Republicans paying Nader to attack Obama?




  1. Don't have to, Nader does it for free.

  2. Why is it that when a third party candidate seems to hurt another candidate who is supposedly closer to them politically, people think its a bad thing?  They think the Naders of the world should step aside and let the 2 party system run its course.

    This is America we're talking about, isn't it?  People can choose to vote for anyone on the ballot.  If you want Obama, vote for him.  If not, then fine.  But if you want to vote for someone who is not kow towing to a major party, major corporations, and major donors, then vote Nader

  3. Nader is an idiot - he will say things against Obama for free - he's just upset that he was not able to do what Obama has been able to do......and that's WIN!

  4. Who says he is, you??? If you truly had a true democracy in your U.S.ofA. then you'd have more than 2 parties to vote for, besides if I were an American I'd vote for the best choice as President who knows what is going on and is honest and that would be Ralph Nader not Obama or McCain

  5. nader is a loony he does it for his own satisfaction

  6. big bucks

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