
How much are the tolls from Chicago to the ME border with Canada? Traveling mostly on I-90?

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Chicago to Halifax, NS (Canada) but I think most of the tolls is just in the US on I-90. Thanks for the help!




  1. If you want to save on tolls, take 94 from Chicago to Detroit, then thru Windsor Ontario, to Toronto and then east to Nova Scotia.

  2. The tolls vary by state, so I'm not 100% sure how much they would cost in total.

    Having driving I-90 from MA to the Chicago 'burbs about 5 years ago, it cost a total of about $40.  I was driving a passenger vehicle (4 door sedan).  Trucks will be more expensive.  If I'm not mistaken, they go by the number of axles on the truck....but again, I'm not 100% sure.

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