
How much are we going to beat the english this time around?

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i say 50 -10. i dont see jonny doing any major difference.




  1. Don't be so cocksure! Let Johnny do the talking mate! England will and can still win. No harm feeling so overconfident for South Africa though!

  2. Who'd have thought England would have got his far this time around, so who cares, it's the taking part & having fun that counts and we've already exceeded our expectations, whatever happens now is just the icing on the cake.

  3. "Is that all you've got"?

    Well actually, it seems we've got a little bit more!

    RSA 15 E 27.

  4. Funnily enough, I'm sure an Australian asked the exact same question a couple of weeks ago.

  5. I hope it's a good hiding!! just shut the Poms up :)

  6. The passing game of the 'Boks backs is stunning, don't see England being able to deal with it. Probably not quite such a hammering as last outing though.

  7. why don't you just watch the match on saturday then when england wins you can celebrate with us. as far as I'm concerned it's a game between two evenly matched teams, the outcome is one that has to be waited for!

  8. lol hahahaha chortle-chortle i cannot type I'm lol lol falling off my chair laughing, if your so sure why do you not go to he bookies and throw away your money? lol. Best joke today so far though, thanks for the giggle.

  9. you been mixing with to many aussies...they come out with all that c**p untill we knocked them out.

    As for jonny,you clearly know nothing about rugby,ok his kicking game is not upto his normal high standards,but him just being in the team brings alot of confidence...check out the last few games that he has played in.

    you will not get another chance to win by that amount of points again and after your teams display last night i think england will fear nothing. it will be a tight game with england winning by 5 points.

  10. Just beat them, doesn't have to be anything fancy.

    Just shut them up. Please !

    And . . . I think there were actually a truck load more Poms than Aussies writing  their own English team off before the quarter final. If it's not arrogance bringing the fans out of the wood work now, what is it . . . blind stupidity . . . or is Dads Army really the best team in the world after all ?  crazy - England will never be half the rugby nation that South Africa is.

  11. I'm South African, and I'm BEGGING you - please don't be too c*cky! If this tournament has shown us anything, it's that any team can win on the day.

    Believe in SA, support SA, but don't gloat before it's even happened - pride comes before a fall!

  12. Oh my, here we go again, the arrogance, the same the AB's and Aussie fans had..................need I say more?

  13. ur not we wil pic up their just saving their tactics an energy for the end (the element of surprise an al that)

  14. to all you poor losers remember


  15. Johnny is England, keep the penalties down and Johnny away from drop goal range and you may get a win....Maybe. But I don't think so...!!!

  16. Well i really dont think you have done your homework my friend.

    My Aussie mates were all taking the micky out of England and how easy they were going to beat us didnt happen, France didnt happen.

    England are more than just one player they are a team and thats why they have progressed.i just hope its a good game and the best team will win and thats ENGLAND

  17. johnny is kicking about 65% so it will b a favor 2 SF if he plays. My prediction 45-0 England no hope

  18. our jonnie will be all the protection WE NEED .lol

  19. 26-9

  20. your not !!!!!!

  21. Aussies and french said something similar

  22. 36......12

    But don't really care as long as they are beat I will be happy :-)

  23. Just hammer them & wipe the smug looks of their faces

  24. I think the score will be much closer than 36 - 0.

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