
How much are you concerned about the environment?

by Guest59701  |  earlier

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  1. Very much

  2. well besides just global warming....which most of us will not live long enough to see how bad it actually is...  The most noticeable environmental changes that i've seen in my lifetime.. is with water quality.  Anyone who has been fishing for 10 or more years, knows that the water just doesn't support the kind of fish it used to.  The oceans are being over fished by commercial fisherman, and the fresh water is getting so polutted that the fresh water fish populations are dwindling.  This affects not just fisherman, but all creatures.  With the decline of fish, you see a decline in almost every animal population.  Lately it seems you can't even go swimming in a freshwater lake or beach without checking advisory notices for harmful bacteria that are caused by high amounts of phosphorus run-off...from sewage and agriculture.

    When I was younger, this was unheard of.  M

  3. Not very on a daily basis. Mostly I feel that over population and lack of water (clean or otherwise) will be a more serious issue in my lifetime. You'd be surprized what the human race can endure if we must, but we need water to live. Ask LA and Las Vegas how the water supply is doing..... The fight over immigration will soon be a real fight over water and make oil wars seem like pillow fights. After about 30 hours of no water you'll be prepared to kill your neighbor just to drink from his toilet.

    Just look at Sudan.....Why do you think Isreal keeps such a tight grip on the Palestinian territory? Look at water map of THAT area. Religious battle my azz.

  4. I am concerned about the environment... however I believe that over population is the primary cause. I think that even our best efforts of conservation will be negligible. It will also put a great strain on the U.S. economy.

    I know it is not popular. But the best way to help the environment is to stop illegal immigration. This will slow down the growth of our country by millions. This means less resources used up, cars on the road, less trees cut down to make room for more houses, streets, and stores.

  5. very much, global warming is a truth which developed countries dont want to talk about and developing countries dont want to approach as it hinders their development. as of now US is the biggest pollutant in the world and China is fast growing big enough to stand in arms with it in polluting our environment, we must as people of this world plant a tree, cut down on daily life emissions, stop eating non veg food and large animals farmed as  our food which is the biggest threat to the globe in polluting.its a big question within itself for as to who will start it . conferences keep on happening with no conclusions ,US never participates and as the Polar ice melts on warm cups of coffee

  6. I am concerned.

    But I am more concerned with feeding my family.

    And the more we focus on regulating America and Europe, the harder feeding our families will become.

    And the net effect, the environment is doomed anyway.

    China has surpassed America in emissions, China is belching tons of toxins into the air and water and China is not doing ANYTHING to stop themselves.  As to selling us "certified" products, isn't it obvious their certifications are bogus and made up?  How many children & animals need to die before we wake up to the fact that China is going to finish ruining the earth.

    Meanwhile the tree huggers will convince the sheeple and our politicians to continue regulating American and European jobs out of existance.  Thus plunging our economies into turmoil and ruin.

    But hey, we will still be able to buy cheap socks from China.  Well, that is if we can steal enough money to buy them.

    Reality, the other truth.

  7. Steps should have been taken years ago to stop pollution and toxic air, but the big corporations got their way and now we suffer.

    It's gonna' get worse!

  8. Everyone with environmental concerns should stop watching the news and reading newspapers.  As a scientist I have read many of these "newsworthy" reports.  c**p!!  An amalgamation of poor scientific method, poor data collection and a rush to publish to acquire more funding on "hot topics."  There is as much good research refuting global warming as there is claiming it.  BTW Al Gore is not a scientist, or even close.

    The fact of the matter is, the planet will survive, we will not.  At one point it was hot and filled with noxious gasses, at another it was cold and covered with ice.  It is only human arrogance to assume that we are the cogs that make this planet operate and are thus responsible for every thing that happens.  Long before global warming has it's, if any, impact this planet is going to be overpopulated to the point that food gathering will become more important than anything else.  We need to think past ourselves, research accuracy of what we are told by the media, and develop our own opinions.

  9. Not concerned at all.  I refuse to be.ieve the lies.

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