
How much are you suposed to drink everyday?

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I want to start being healthier.

Firstly, I want to kick off by drinking the recommended amount of water everyday.

What I need to know is how much are you supposed to drink? In liters?




  1. Well, don't dink too much! I got sick from drinking too much. Also, you should not only drink water but anything that has fruit in it.

  2. You are supposed to drink 8 liters a day.

  3. just try to drink a glass every hour

  4. They say 8 glasses a day. I drink about a half a gallon - to a whole gallon of fluids daily.

  5. 2 Liters a day :)

  6. You should drink 48-64 oz of water a day. I know that is a half gallon, but I'm not sure what that is in liters.  

  7. you need eigth bottles of water in your bod everyday

    answer my qustions please

  8. I've always heard that 8 10 oz. glasses of water per day is the norm. But that differs depending on how hot it is where you are. How this translates into liters I don't know, but I do know if you start getting full to your stomach then you have drank to much, and you can get sick from drinking to much. Hope this helps you a little bit.

  9. 2 liters of water is recommended by doctors

  10. 8 glasses

  11. They "say" eight glasses of water everyday, but that's impossible if it's just plain water.. So, I say get your water from fresh juices, milk, and water. This way you also get calcium and vitamin c.

  12. 6 to 8 eight ounce glasses is recommended

  13. There are so many different answers from supposed experts as to how much water we need the best thing you can do is just know your body.  Being thirsty can often times be mistaken for being tired or hungry.   The first thing I do in the morning is to drink some water, I think it helps me wake up even better than coffee (which I drink too).  anyway, just have some water always available and drink when you want, soon you'll figure out about how much your body needs....and it does vary by person.

    Of course if you're out sweating or working physically you'll need more than the days where you're more sedentary

  14. they say 8 glasses - roughly 2 litres a day

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