
How much artificial waste heat relates to global warming?

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A lot of artificial waste heat can be enumerated.

Nuclear power generation,Thermal power generation,Factory,Engine of car,Air conditioner, and so on.

I think not only the greenhouse gas but also the waste heat of power generation etc. causes warming.




  1. I would suggest learning some basic science before asking a question like this.

    None of what you mentioned in your question would have any measurable impact on temperatures compared to what nature does on a daily basis.

    Earth has an average of 400 active volcanoes at any one time, which produce far more heat than mankind has ever been able to produce.

    Your comment about air conditioning shows that you do not understand what air conditioning is.

    Refrigeration(air conditioning) does not produce cold, it is simply an efficient way of transferring heat from one point to another.

    In scientific terms there actually is no such thing as 'cold'. there is only a 'lack or lower level of heat'!

  2. Hmmm.....  Anything Man does is 'artificial'?

    You don't consider man to be a natural part of the environment?

    It's interesting to see that the believers think man is a cancer on the planet and the Earth would be better off if man did not exist.

  3. Doesn't even come close to the energy reaching the surface of the Earth from the Sun.

  4. Very little.  Scientists can calculate the amount of heat from each, and waste heat isn't even a tiny blip.

    Greenhouse gases don't create heat themselves.  They work by holding just a bit more of the Sun's heat in.  It's an amazingly powerful way to warm the plant, which is one reason some people have trouble accepting it.

    By the way, I don't think Man is bad.  But, Man can do bad things, and it's good to avoid those.  We're hurting ourselves by burning fossil fuels, and we know how to dramatically reduce that.

    Seems pretty foolish to keep on doing it.

  5. About as much as a match in a ballpark

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    How much do you think a volcano puts out and how many of those do we have erupting in a days time

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    20 and the heat and pollution they produce is well get my point

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    And there is one on the SOUTH POLE that is erupting continuously

    I wonder why the south pole is melting think about what mother nature does

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    The fires in California alone put out how much heat and polution

  6. i don't know, but they also blameit on methane from cows.

    i bet the dinosaurs released alot more than the cows do. they did have much bigger back ends!!!

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