
How much (aus dollars) to travel to india for a month?

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Specifically backpacking in nice places, i don't want to rough it up too much as i've never travelled to asia before and am a little worried about getting sick. I'd like to go to delhi and goa and a few other places around december next yr. spend christmas and new years over there too. just need a rough idea of how much to save starting from next week's pay cheque!




  1. if you into back packing and trekking and riding around i think you wouldnt require an exorbitant amount but then again it depends on your lifre style

    food - $3 should be the minimum sufficent for three whole meals a day

    transport - $1.75 per liter

    stay - $500 - $1000 per month , depending on the type of apartment you rent out

    all these rates are with ozzie dollars in mind and with respect to your stay in gOa , get a second opinion thou "mate" : )

    and oh yeah have fun in gOa

  2. Ok welcome. I'll try to help you. I'm an Australian living in India and I'm so used to rupees I've nearly forgotten dollars. I think the exchange rate is about 35 rupees per dollar. I think.

    So, my friends who come here regularly in winter from Australia tell me they're spending about $1600.00 on the return fare. When it is only for a month then it's cheaper. But you can surely find that out at your end.

    You can get reasonable hotels for between R200 and R400 a day. You don't really need hotels all the time. Bit boring and lonely. Even other cheaper accomodation I wouldn't consider to be roughing it but then, I'm used to it. You can eat in restaurants for maybe maximum R200 a meal but I don't eat in restaurants. To cook for yourself on gas burners might be R20 a meal but then you have to hire a small gas bottle which you generally only do if you're staying in one place a few weeks.

    There are other nice ways to eat. I always eat at an ashram in a temple. The food is much more pure and they are more careful with hygeine than in restaurants.

    Of course I'm letting you calculate the exchange rate here. lets say that R200 might be about $6. Is that right.?

    Actually daily living costs in India are pretty cheap.

    You may want to buy some things to take back like clothes. They're also cheap but that depends on how tempted you are by nice clothes.

    Travelling from Delhi to Goa for instance is best and cheapest done by train. About R600 one way. But that takes more than 24 hrs so you might want to fly which may be about R4000. I'm only being approxomate sorry.

    I would certainly like to invite you to visit me where I am. it's an important holy pigramage place. it's 4 hours from Delhi and one hr from Taj Mahal. It is called Vrindavan and it is the place where people worship krishna.

    In December there are festivals and many other foriegners come here to the ashrams.

    I'll give you our addresses cause I don't have a way to share my email address yet sorry.

    In Vrindavan- Gopinath Bhavan, Ranapat Ghat, Seva Kunja Vrindavan Mathura U.P. and in Delhi -Raman Bihari Gaudiya Math, Block B3 Janak Puri- next to musical fountain park. ({91}01125533586).There are good guest houses in both these places and very nice food and warm hearted people and foreigners stay in them both.

    that's all I can say sorry. if we can then I'm happy to help a fellow Aussie with things when you come.

    Bye for now

    Hope that help

    PS Rickshaw travel and buses are cheap. Auto rickshaws might cost about R100 for maybe 15km. Different in different places. They try to charge westerners more. There's a lot you need to know for not getting 'ripped off' in India. I'd be happy to give more advice if you need.

  3. Dear friend

    I would like to suggest  you that you should contact to any gud  Indian travel company they will be assist and guide you properly about your total travel expense (AUS$)

    I would recommend an Indian travel company.

    that company has provide u special discount and attractive tours packages knowledge.

    Travel tour company provide u special delhi tour packages, and also provide u air ticket to delhi and hotel booking .

    God has been very kind to this Indian city of Goa in terms of beaches. Beaches in Goa rank among the top beaches in the world. This travel company has  provide u best hotels in goa.

    I have recently used the travel services from this company for my previous India trip.

    I Hope u visit that sites and enjoy

    Best of luck

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