
How much axe to spray on?

by Guest32860  |  earlier

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how much axe kilo body spray should i put on?

i just want to smell nice for the ladies but i dont want the smell to be overwhelming

yesterday i lightly sprayed my shirt and 10 minutes later my shirt didnt have any smell D=




  1. Good job lightly spraying. If you overpower it, us girls HATE IT! You basically repel us. :D

    You didn't smell it because you probably got used to the smell but trust me IT'S THERE!

  2. Spray it aaaall over you and then spray it on girls when you go up to talk to them

    Its called the "axe effect" I do believe

  3. i'm a girl. me and all my friends who are girls hate axe and tag and all that crapp. if anything, you're gonna scare us away with that nasty smell! not trying to be harsh haha, but if you're gonna wear cologne, i recommend fierce by abercrombie. that stuff is s*x in a bottle :) haha

  4. none. a lot of girls don't like axe.

  5. Just a bit under the arms and a bit on the chest hair. The reason why your shirt "didn't have any smell" is because your scent receptors get overwhelmed by the Axe smell and don't register it anymore. When someone who hasn't been smelling it gets a whiff, they'll still be able to smell it.

    Err on the side of less. You'd rather smell neutral than smell like you're marinating in the stuff and have a B.O. problem you're trying to cover up.

  6. NONE

    please, none!!

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