
How much bad publicity can Ben Cousins take ?

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Reminds me of the Wayne Carey hype. He was hounded by the media for ages.




  1. Cousins is a spoiled brat which means when things are going well he is cocky and arrogant and when they don't he loses the plot. Everything happening to him is by choice. I am always prepared to help people change so will always give him one more chance but does he have the character for it.

  2. You are dead right, it's Carey all over again.

    But this time, unfortunatly i don't think it will end any time soon.

    If he keeps going this way, there is only one foreseeable ending..................i dont want go there!

    deedubyas comment about light at the end of the tunnel for Cousins being concreted in rings true, sadly that  light could be the headlight of an oncoming train!

    Trouble is with the media, if they keep hounding him, he's going to fall back into the gear to escape the pressure, and the foreseeable ending rears it's ugly head again


  3. I agree with Rogue.  I think I'm gonna stop answering and asking Ben questions coz I now just wish they'd leave him alone.

    And Wayne Carey ... most over-rated player ever to pull on a jumper.  But more deserved everything he got.  What a tosser!

  4. hes a disgrace to the game of AFL

  5. Do you know why Ben gets this publicity that he is currently getting?...Coz, he's a champion on big bucks and the crowd really luv him, which in turn sells newspapers. He seems to hang out with the bad crowds and with all the attention he's been getting (on and off) during the past two years, no wonder he's pissed off. At 29 years old believe he has a couple more seasons in him. The WCE have handled this situation very poorly with him. I hope he sorts out his life and gets the chance to play again. This time with another AFL club.

    The press in WA will not leave Ben alone, He needs to sort his life out, stay squeaky clean, even once on track to do some charity events to improve his image.

    As far as Wayne Carey is concerned, he was a champion player, but getting a hedgehog from his best friends girl friend  in the toilet at there house is a No No, and to make matters worst his wife to be was at the same function. Certainly no trust and commitment in that relationship.

    Lets hope thing turn out for the better for Ben.

    Take care :)))))))

  6. I know!!!!

    Stars eventually fall....and there are always people waiting to catch them.

    If you know what I mean.

  7. Ben is being crucified.

    I wish the media would leave him alone.

    I fear that he will be the next celebrity to take his own life.

    Keep pushing someone hard enough, they're gonna crack!!

    The media have a lot to answer for!!!!!

    Wayne Carey got away lightly with his 'indiscretion'

    Then we all remember this:: Wayne Talking about Nathan Thompsons' depression on simply footy:

    "It would be nice for Thommo to stay away from the Darwin Cup and concentrate on his recovery and maybe get back and get a kick. He's got depression and he's up there punting on horses. What's he thinking?"

    Then Carey fell for that old television pitfall. He kept on talking when he thought the microphones were off as the show returned from an ad break.

    "He'll end up necking himself," was Carey's blunt conclusion to Thommo's current battle with form. (He's recovering from a knee injury.)

    Wayne Carey should have got publicly flogged for saying that!!

  8. Not too much more I wouldn't imagine .   I actually FEEL for the guy in that, an excellent career in footy, may now have passed him by .     Any light at the end of the tunnel,is almost certainly  concreted in , by this last drama recently, in  the states

  9. Deserves all he gets.  Has brought the game and his club into disrepute and should be de-listed.  Has a cocky, smart arsed attitude.  Needs to come down from his drug induced cloud and get a life (outside football).

  10. Jemima, the difference is Wayne Carey really deserved it.

    I was forgiving of his affair with a team members wife, I even felt sorry for him, but after he made a insensitive comment on live TV about a former players depression, well I realized that Wayne deserved every single bit of bad publicity the media could dish out to him.

    Ben Cousins bad publicity is just fueling this problems...they seriously need to leave him the h**l alone already :(

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