
How much better or worse is it to be an adult than a teen???

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I once said being an adult would be better than being a teen because I'd do productive work instead of just schoolwork, and hten my schol assistant said "No, michael your teenage years are gonna be the best aprt fo your life someday you'll understand". So how much worse or better is it to be an adult than a teen??? especially if you ahve a job you like etc...




  1. It's all relative to the kind of life you had, but if you ask the average older person if they could go back to any age most of them say early to mid adulthood (25- 35), You have the best of it all, your still young, partying, your parents are still alive and support you if you need them but your independent and the world is your oyster.  Many adults did not enjoy their teenage years (I did, but not as much as I would if I knew then what I know now) so they would opt for adulthood. It all depends too on where you were in "teenage society" as well. It can be h**l for those on the bottom.

  2. I'll just say this. If you have a good life, enjoy every minute of it. Being a kid if you have a good family is great!. I use to be so jealous of my friends who had great home life. Yet, they complained all the time. They had not clue as to how great they did have it. And like my older children. They say all the time, gee wish I'd stayed at home longer.  

  3. being an adult means resposibility ,  being a teen you get to live under your parents wing.  have fun in your teen years because when you get to be an adult  (after college)  things get serious although fun  but not like the teen years

  4. I hated being a teenager with my emotions off the scale.

    I would hate to go through all that c**p again, things got really good at 18+ for me. There are no best years of your life but just memories that you can love or hate, or both or simply just learn from.

  5. When your a teen, you see life your way, when your an adult, you see

    it the way it really is, each has it's distinctive brand of insanity, how

    well you educate your self, shall determine whether you end up as the

    psychiatrist, or the paitent . . .

  6. I like being an adult better. I think that people say those are the best years of your life because you don't have to worry about real problems like making your mortgage payment, and making enough money to survive.

    But when you are a teenager you have to worry about fitting in (or not fitting in), getting good grades, and having to deal with your body changing. To me that is just as if not MORE stressful because you don't have any control.

  7. it varies on life experiences. Im my opinion...

    For some kids. adulthood involves mom and dad paying for half of everthing they own, buy and want (including school). Teens who come from backrounds like this are less likely to be excited about adulthood and becoming self sufficient.

    On the other hand, some kids work hard, in school and home/job, during their teen years. If the right decisoins are made, someone in this position is more likely to appreciate the responsibilty growing up will provide them with.

    All in all, life is waht you make it. Struggle makes you stronger, while handouts make irrespeonible.


  8. It depends on your home life, if all is well at home then maybe teenage years are great.  

  9. when your a kid your parents tell you what to do when your an adult the government tells you what to do

  10. It all depends on how you feel. Sure being an adult is stressful, and requires a lot of responsability, but being a teen requires a lot of subordination. You have to follow rules, and do what people tell you to do. When you beacome an adult, you are free to make your own desicions, and be who you want. You can live the way you want to, but you have to be sure and not let yourself go, but keep your discipline, and keep striving to do the right things. It all lies on who you are. If you are your own person, and can take responsability easily, adulthood is fine. If you are gullible, and dependant, teens are the best. Either way both complain too much about their status an say the other has it better =P Live your life and don't worry about the future too much, it's gonna come either way, so be prepared but have fn doing it, and most importantly pray

    luv lots<3

  11. Exactly...

    If it was that easy to find a job/career that you liked, life would be alot easier.. I think I heard from somewhere 85% of people dislike their jobs.

    There is definitely alot of responsibilities when you're an adult.

    Especially when you move out, etc..

    You have to make sure you have a job that pays enough that you can afford your bills, etc..

    No more opening the fridge and gaining access to free food or not paying for the main necessities (water, heat, electricity, etc).

    There is social stress in the adult world as well.. and even though the degree into which the focus is placed on 'fitting in' is a little less, you're still trying to 'fit in' to your place in the world versus with other people.

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