
How much bleeding on your period is normal??

by  |  earlier

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im seventeen, had it for 4 years and i soak through a maxi like every 1- 2 hours

it goes on for about 8 days but

the cycle is only about every 40 days.

i also get really sick and sometimes have to stay in bed


or do you think this is too much bleeding




  1. I do think that is to much. Maybe you should go discuss this with your ob-gyn.

  2. if it is every 40 days then it like saves it up then when you have it is lets it all out so it is totally normal

    and every one bleeds different amounts  

  3. i would say so....u need to talk to your doctor....

  4. First of all there is really no way to define normal when it comes to your period. This is different from girl to girl...

    The amount of bleeding that your experiencing does not sound to abnormal though..

    If it worries you go to a doctor...

    If you are in bed sick because of cramps have you tried the Midol for teens?

    Or advil can even help..

    Also to help with the period and cramps you could try being put on birth control

    I know that helped me with my problems...

    Hope this helps...

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