
How much blood will there be...

by  |  earlier

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how much blood will there be when your "cherry pops"?

don't give me shxt, don't ask why, just answer please.

& yes, i know i probably put this in the wrong secton...




  1. Not much.

    Just a little.

    Like..if you dip your fingers in milk.

    That's how much.

  2. not very much, its really a very minor thing, and you won't feel it pop either

  3. depends

  4. some people dont even bleed

    and sometimes it can be alot or a little

    like my friend when she lost her virginity she said she bled a little so yea.  

  5. Some bleed like the first day of your period, most just spot a little.

  6. depends on the girl how much blood, i bled for 24 hours straight when mine was popped and it was like a period flow and i had to wear a pad, but it totally depends on the girl how much blood there will be if any. and it may happen right away and it may not. please answer;...

  7. Every woman is different. Some have pain, some don't. Some bleed, some don't. The hymen ("cherry") stretches and tears due to many everyday activities (tampon usage, exercise, etc.), so chances are, if you're very young you will have much more pain and bleeding. I had no pain and no bleeding (I was 22).

  8. It depends on the girl.  There is usually only a little, not like a period or anything.  It's possible to bleed enough to get on the sheets, but it won't gush.

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