
How much breastmilk does a 3 week old need?

by  |  earlier

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Just so i know how much i should be giving her when i express. she is a big baby, she was 10lbs 3oz when she was born. i know all babies differ in how much they need but just a guideline?




  1. just give it when she wants it and you will be fine...I would not worry about restricting ANY feedings until a doc tells you after they are over the 2-3 month mark... My son was a preemie and they did not tell me to hold off feeding until he was about daughter was never told to hold off, she was not as big of an eater, so she was OK with weight/health...good luck and congrats

  2. There really isn't a guild line. She'll let you know how much she wants.

    Le Leche League can be a big help too.

  3. Until she stops sucking

  4. what i did was right when i got up i pumped because my breast would be full, so whatever i pump was how much i gave her and she will never eat the same. sometimes more than other times. so i wouls start with 4 oz at a time. i know that your baby needs to eat 12 times a day at least. On average, a newborn in the first month consumes about 1.5 to 2 ounces (44.3 to 59.1 milliliters) every 2 hours. also remember they go through growth spurts so those days is even more.    

        * 7 to 10 days old

        * between 3 and 6 weeks

        * 4 months

        * 6 months

    so your baby is probably going through one if thats why you are asking this question.

    just remember when they eat a lot is because they are growing not because you dont have enough. and make sure you exclucively BF cause while they grow and suck your supply increases to their demand :0)

  5. my 3 week old is bottle fed she takes around 3-4 oz every 3-4 hours so i would imagine its the same for breast feeding

    its important you feed on demand and dont hold back you will make enough milk for your baby dont worry

  6. Id say about an 1 1/2oz. to 2 oz. every feeding! That should be normal for most babies

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