
How much budget do i need after flights in Dubai for 2 weeks?

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Hi i intend to fly to Dubai job hunting for 2 weeks.

Involved in the construction industry i intend to nstay 2 weeks to see if i can get the start.

Prepared to stay in the most basic of accom while there and intend not to be distracted and just spend 2 weeks trying to network with expats to find a start.How much will i need




  1. without wishing to appear rude, as i know nothing about u, unless ur are a manager u will find it hard to get a job in construction if u r thinking of labouring, as this is done by asians very cheaply as they are the only ones prepared to toil 12 hrs a day in the 100 degree heat 6 days a week its real sweat shop conditions and they are transported round like animals and live in very unsavoury labour camps.  if ur a manager then u shoudl be able to find a job from home, eithe r a newspaper like times or guardian or searching on websites for building comapnies that have offices there.   food and transport are cheap as other answerers have said many good indian/iranian/arabic restaurants where u can eat well for a few pounds, if ur british u will find it a bit of an eye opener staying in budget accomodation   after accommodation u should allow about £30=40 a day i would think for food and transport.

  2. The most basic is two star hotels. Check to get an idea of prices.

    Also theres a very basic Meredian apartments ( no room service no nothing ) for 300Dirhams /day in Deira Dubai which is considered cheap. But some 2-3 star places may be cheaper. Some might get kinda noisy at night, so be warned.

    Otherwise it can be really, really expensive.

    Transportation from Deira Dubai to Dubai Maria can cost 80 Dirhams each way. ( Opposite sides of the city )

    Avoid Dubai when theres festivals or even an "Iranian new year" or a golf tournament or any time that can be considered special. Prices double and triple.

    People on limited budgets who live there share apartments and live together in numbers that arent really small. So if you find a place like that you might find that even cheaper.

  3. Depends on where you stay - I am trying to find details of hostels for you - there was a post on one of the expat forum websites recently, but the site is currently down.  Outside accommodation, you can eat reasonably cheaply if you go to places like lebanese bakeries for food.  I would say £15-20 per day for food would be reasonable.  Taxis are very cheap, so getting about is not a problem.

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