
How much business will the Edward Kennedy Limo service be doing at the convention?

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it comes equiped wqith a wet bar and life preservers




  1. I don't know but that's a snotty little question - didn't your junior high school classes start up yet?

  2. i suspect no business at all.

  3. Given Barry Obamas taste for partying in limos with "strange" men I would say very busy.

  4. Maybe he will drive up in a hurst and have a recorded  

  5. Don't forget about Obama's limo. He likes to troll the streets of Chicago and is famous for it.

  6. Denver does have a shortage of limos for the working libs to showboat around in. Ted can charge extra for those amenities.

  7. I think there is none.

  8. That's so funny!!!! Oh wait, I was looking at your picture. Get a grip won't you?

  9. Two points

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