
How much caffeine do you consume in a day?

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Do you find it difficult to function without it?




  1.   A  cup  of  coffee  a  day  when  I  wake  up,

             need  the  heat  for  my stomach.

            be  fine,  with  or  without  it

  2. No, I don't, I just like to drink that drink for it's taste, not for caffeine... :) I drink 0.40 l of that energy drink.

  3. i drink probably more than 5 cans a day...

    and yea i seem stressed without it i dont know why.

    i feel i need it

  4. I don't drink coffee but I get the equivalent of about 3 cups of coffee (150 mg of caffeine total) throughout the day through a drink mix that I use ... I do find that I might get a headache in the middle of the afternoon if I have not had my caffeine ... but I wouldn't say "difficult to function."

    I am one of those people who thinks caffeine is not necessarily evil ... LOL.

  5. just one cup of coffee in the morning at work.  i only drink coffee at work, too.  i don't have any on the weekends. hahaha!!  

  6. i drink at least two rockstars a day.....w/out caffiene i get a headache...........

  7. Which day? Just kidding! On days I drink coffee to get started in the morning I drink 2 cups of coffee.

    On days when I need to go even faster I like LiftOff Energy Drink by Herbalife. It has as much caffeine as one cup of coffee but is packed with energy boosting vitamins and minerals.

    I like a cup of Herbal Concentrate Green Tea Mix (also by Herbalife) in the afternoon. It has a little caffeine but it's a different type of caffeine than coffee. The caffeine in Green Tea is slow acting as opposed to the caffeine in coffee which is considered fast acting.

    I don't find it difficult to function without caffeine and it's not my favorite energy booster either. I have many no caffeine days and don't even notice any cravings.


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