
How much caffeine in Gold Peak Tea?

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I cant seem to find it anywhere, but wanted to know if anyone knew how much caffeine was in Gold Peak Ice tea (lemon flavor)




  1. Gold Peak Tea has 12 mg of caffeine per 8 ozs.  That's about twice what most coffees have.  Unless you go to Starbucks.  Some there have 3 to 4 time the amount of caffeine than "normal" coffee.

  2. "Tea has more caffeine in it that coffee and soda."

    This is not true.  For a 12 oz serving, coffee leads the pack at 175-250mg, then black teas about 50mg, followed closely by diet sodas like Diet coke 45mg and Diet Pepsi 46, then regular soda like Pepsi 37mg and Coke 34mg, and then green tea at about 23mg.

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