
How much caffeine is Ok per day?

by  |  earlier

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I don't mean how much for an uber healthy diet, just enough that won't greatly affect your health. I don't know if it's in any way age dependant, but I'm 18 (if that makes any difference).

Could you by any chance put that in the format of cups of coffee or cans of Red Bull? :P

Thanks. :)




  1. For the  the general population of healthy adults,  a daily intake of no more than 400mg is advisable.

    Product  Caffeine (in milligrams)

    Coffee [1 cup (8 oz.): brewed, dripped, percolated]


    Coffee [1 cup: instant]


    Espresso, [1 oz]


    Flavored coffee [8 oz]


    Black tea [8 oz]


    Green tea [8 oz]


    Soda [12 oz: best to check each brand with manufacturer]


    Milk chocolate [1 oz]*


    Dark chocolate [1 oz]*


    White chocolate [1 oz]


    Energy drinks [~8 oz]


    Caffeinated gum [1 piece]


    Source: The Mayo Clinic.

  2. Caffeine has always been a Medical Debate.

    My Sister used to drink Coffee, before a 5 mile run, because at the Time - it was considered "beneficial" in working with the Heart on Endurance activities.

    That has sense been Debunked.

    I have 2 cups in the Morning and that's it.  But, when I worked in an Office, I would have up to 12 cups a day, sometimes.

    The only Possible, Negative affects that seem to be clear, now - is that it "may" not hurt you to drink large quantities - Depends on the individual.

    The current Rule is that if you are "shaking" at all - Stop Drinking for the day. The shaking is your body telling you there is something Wrong.

    It has also been known to cause Arrhythmias in People who never had them before.

    All stimulants - Coffee being the Least Harmful - have an affect on your NorAdrenaline and/or NorEpenephrine (that Last part I may have wrong LOL) -- but, basically - When you Adrenals get "over-stretched" it is not only bad for that Gland -- but, the chemical in your system that keep your Nerves functioning properly, start to Lose that protection.

    In the case of speed-freaks - they lose it to the point to where it never comes back.

    The OTHER issue - is that the Average Coffee contains 29 different Acids (including DeCaf) -- and these can cause Gastritis or other digestive problems.

    So, Even though Coffee is "less speedy" -- over a LifeTime - this can be an Abuse to your body and Negative affects can appear.

    I'm not a Doctor - and this is just my opinion.

    I LOVE Coffee - but overall, if you're looking for Optimum Health - don't Drink it.

    As far as RED BULL & those Drinks -- I don't touch 'em.

    There are no Regulations on Herbs; and this Country has gone Herb-Crazy !!

    Yes, Herbs can be VERY Helpful -- but there are too many people who make these concoctions and they are NOT Medical Experts on how much to use and in what combinations.

    A lot of People have been Losing their Liver because of Herbal Misconduct.

    I wish Gorgon could see this - she knows about all the Chemical Stuff.

    Good Luck :)


  3. i would say none caffine slowly kills u

  4. You should not consume caffeine at all. When a women is pregnant they tell he no caffeine for a reason

  5. 1 can of red bull is plenty

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