
How much caffeine is in a cup of coffee?

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How much caffeine is in a cup of coffee?




  1. a lot

  2. that depends on the roast.  The more that a coffee is roasted, the LESS caffeine it has in it

  3. depends on what kind of coffee, how its brewed, etc. but look at this link to help you.

  4. 8-ounce Beverage                                  milligrams

    Coffee, Drip                                            115-175  

    Coffee, Brewed                                       80-135

    Coffee, Espresso (2 ounces)                   100

    Coffee, Instant                                        65-100

    Tea, iced                                                47

    Tea, brewed, imported brands (avg.)         60

    Tea, brewed, U.S. brands (avg.)               40

    Tea, instant                                           30

    Tea, green                                             15

    Hot cocoa                                             14

    Coffee, Decaf, brewed                            3-4

    Coffee, Decaf, instant                             2-3

    Hope this helps you .  This website also have the amount of caffeine other popular drinks like Soda's and energy drinks.

  5. A cup (8 ounces of coffee) has 85 mg of caffeine in it. At least the basic coffee that most people use. Different blends and mixtures will have more but the minimum is 85mg.

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