
How much calcium for a 12 year old girl?

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A friend recently asked me how much calcium her 12 year old daughter should have each day. I couldn't find anything to tell me what the recommended daily allowance of calcium is for a 12 year old girl. Her daughter has not started her period, my 12 year old daughter has. Can someone tell us how much calcium per day is recommended? Should we supplement their intake with calcium tablets?




  1. 1300 mg/day.  This is pretty easy to get into your diet, even if you don't like milk.  Just 1 1/2 ounces of cheese and you are a third of the way there.  There's a great website that tells you the recommended allowance by age, as well as what foods have how much calcium.

  2. there's a posture at my doctor's place that says teens need .. over 4 glasses of milk a day..

  3. i had it at 12 and i think milk tastes disgusting ! so idk!

  4. milk yougurt cheese and dairy all have calcium which im sure you know so instead of a bag of chips for snack.. a like, 3 cups of milk a day or the equivalent of dairy.

  5. Calcium starts periods?

    Well I should down some milk!

    I'm 14 and without a period.

    And calcium?

    Give her as much as you can without drowning her in it, instead of a soda, give her some lowfat milk!

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